As a nonprofit organization, donations are our lifeline. Every penny that comes into the organization goes directly towards the care of our dogs and cats. You can donate Via PayPal , please select friends and family. Donations may also be sent using Venmo to RoadToHomeRescueSupport (confirmation number 4376) To sponsor one of our animals, choose monthly reoccurring donation and write the animal you'd wish to sponsor in the comments (if you do not have a preference, we will use the donation towards the animal who needs it most).
DONATE ONCE ONLY Select a Donation Option (USD) $25 $50 $100 Other
Walk: You can download ResQ Walk and choose Road to Home Rescue to support! This is another easy way to support our rescue and it doesn't cost you a thing. Simply download the app (click here for iPhone) (click here for Android), choose Road to Home Rescue as your rescue to support, and start walking! Via Mail:If you would like to mail a donation, please send to P.O. Box 7403 Wantagh NY 11793